Prochain vernissage 21 février Michele Zarro - episodic
Australian artist Michele Zarro creates a site specific work at ParisCONCRET this week.
About her work in general Michele says: "The intangible nature of painting and the indefinable nature of the experience of art beyond nameable things determine the tricky terrain of my studio practice."
The opening will be at 16h00 Saturday February 21.
Pour faire simple - installation views
Artists from left to right around the room: Daniel Argyle, Pam Aitken, Joël Besse, Sanne Bruggink, Roger Bensasson, Carola Bark, Christoph Dahlhausen, Billy Gruner, Julian Dashper, René Eicke, Brent Hallard, Hiroshi Harada, Tony Harding
José Heerkens, Vaclav Krucek, Simon Morris, Aldo Mengolini, Arjan Janssen, Kate Mackay , Sarah Keighery, Antoine Nelen, Irène Kivinen
Charles Payan, Roland Orépük, Alexandra Roozen, Paul Raguenes, Jacek Przybyszewski, Marlene Sarroff, Richard van der Aa, Bogumila Strojna, Clary Stolte, Jacques Weyer, John Tallman, Iemke van Dijk, Guido Winkler